A section for works prepared for sale. Prices do not include shipping, handling, etc. Inquiries are welcome for all pieces on this website; please contact me directly.


untitled (Floral Collage)

Mixed media on canvas, 2005 (6” x 8”)

$300.00 CAD

This curio piece from 2005 was an attempt to slyly integrate collaged ephemera like cellophane packaging, old clothing, or the insides of envelopes into the dense unfurling of flowers. The idea was to “lace” the flowers with pleasant garbage.

Recently unboxed from my archive, this subtle, charming example of layered decoupage has been meticulously cleaned and framed (9” x 11”; 2” thick)

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Portrait of alyssa

Mixed media on canvas, 2003 (8” x 10”)

$500.00 CAD SOLD

This picture from 2003 was one of the very first pieces I felt truly happy with. For its 21st birthday, it received a makeover. When it was made, I was 21 and a bit green when it came to choosing archival paper to collage with. So, my current self (exactly double that age!) had to give it a helping hand, restoratively speaking, along with a new frame to call home (12” x 15”, approx. 2” thick)